28 January 2017

Mini luxury apartment in Gaeta

Just delivered, after our renovation project, and furnished with the best of our proposal. Rimadesio doors, bathroom furniture Edoné Bathroom Design, Inda bathroom accessories, living room and bedroom furniture Pianca, kitchen and sofa Euromobil Group system, leather quilted bed The Joiners, Kartell complements, Penta Light lighting, special Pitturazioni Metropolis Ivas. Ocean particular black insertion of travertine for bath and kitchen made by Marmi Zola. The breathtaking shower with chromotherapy and superlative multimedia center that has as its "brain" of the big TV Samsung TV connected to the Environment RCF system that allows you to select in each environment your favorite type of music and control the volume. Here the video, some shots and 3D images of the project.


  • Padovani srl Via Garibaldi, 6c - 04024 Gaeta (LT) ITALY
    Tel. +39 0771 741124  - Fax +39 0771 740365 - P.I. 01768510594
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