27 July 2019

VR interior design

It is our motto since 1997 when with the inauguration of the G A L L E R Y space we introduced virtual reality as an additional service to 3D, already used in the company since 1992. Today most of our projects use this technology to allow the customer to understand the best possible the furnishing project and / or the construction / renovation of a space.  Here we see a typical example of restructuring with the control of every detail floors, doors, fixtures, both internal and external furnishings as well as lighting and decoration. From the entrance scene it is possible to penetrate into the space reaching the kitchen by selecting the following scenes. The best view is with a tablet or smartphone or, even better, with a VR viewer. By activating the audio you have a complete multimedia experience ... enjoy your visit!

  • Padovani srl Via Garibaldi, 6c - 04024 Gaeta (LT) ITALY
    Tel. +39 0771 741124  - Fax +39 0771 740365 - P.I. 01768510594
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